Episode Library 2021-23
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July 1, 2021
Have you wondered if you pets could catch Covid 19 if you get sick? Can they pass it to each other or even bring it home to you? I am talking with Dr Julianne Miesner on her research with companion animals and Covid 19. You can read her research here.
July 16, 2021
What is pet acupuncture and how does it work? Dr. Taryn Rathbone discusses this and chats about dogs, horses and her experiences with animals.
July 31, 2021
So many of us worked from home this year that many people decided to get an animal companion. Many of these dogs have had no experience or are out of practice with being left at home alone. I talk with Author and International dog trainer, Suzanne Clothier, about our dog's mental/emotional health and how to prepare our dogs for post-pandemic life.
August 9, 2021
The goals of this podcast and an introduction
August 15, 2021
Dr Jackie and I discuss Holistic pet medicine: What is it, why does she practice it, how does it work with an integrated health plan? Dr Jackie is a Veterinarian specializing in Holistic pet medicine at Mercy Vet on Mercer Island, WA.
August 30, 2021
Discussing the uses and ethics of Animal Assisted Interactions, Therapies, and services with Clare Thomas-Pino, adjunct professor and Post Doctoral Candidate and the University of Main.
September 11, 2021
When a dog bites it doesn't just cause physical injury but emotional injury to the victims as well as the dog's caregiver. Dr Sara obtained her PhD researching the emotional toll of dog bites and now works for Dog's Trust, UK on a longitudinal study on health, welfare, and behavior of dogs from puppy to golden years.
September 27, 2021
This episode just might make you a happier person. You might think this episode would only be for those in animal welfare who feel sad, but just you wait! This is such a fascinating and important area to understand for anyone's mental and physical wellbeing.
October 8, 2021
Ultimately when humans talk about conserving diversity whether that be animal or plant we're also talking about conserving ourselves and preserving the lifestyles that we want for our children.
This series we take a wide-ranging look at a variety of aspects of conservation as it pertains to how humans interact with other animals.
We'll be talking to the CEO of Born Free USA, a leading wildlife charity that opposes the exploitation of wild animals in captivity, the owner of K9 conservationists an organization that trains dogs to detect endangered or invasive plants for animals, how to be a humane gardener in your own backyard, salmon habitat restoration and more! Our discussion on conservation will take us across the United States and all the way to New Zealand!
October 11th, 2021
If you love the Pacific Northwest, Salmon, and conserving our waterways, then this is definitely the episode for you. Learn about the different salmon in the Sammamish state park and how their habitat is being restored. This was a really fun episode to record!
October 25, 2021
A special "spooky" episode to celebrate the season. A fascinating look into the 'Animal Lens' (how humans view themselves through other animals). Author of, Avian Illuminations and City of Ravens, among others, fascinates us with stories of the legend of ravens in the Tower of London, Birds as souls, and messengers to the Gods.
November 8, 2021
Did you see the Motion Picture Born Free when you were a kid? I did! It was the beginning of my journey into animal advocacy field. Angela Grimes CEO of Born Free USA talks to us about the Vision and Mission of Born Free USA, The Born Free Primate Sanctuary and other projects important to having a "positive impact on animals in the wild and protect their ecosystems in perpetuity, for their own intrinsic value and for the critical roles they play within the natural world".
November 22, 2021
Nancy, The Humane Gardener, tells us about how to cultivate a beautiful garden that is also safe and inviting for the creatures to visit. Learn about the new HOA law in MD and join in Nancy's citizen science project documenting Monarch Butterfly leaf-scratching behavior.
December 6, 2021
Eradicating or Saving the Australian Brushtail Possum in New Zealand? That's the question posed by PhD Candidate, Emily Major. Emily’s research, examines the mainstream ‘possum-as-pest’ discourse in conservation and considers how compassionate conservation principles could help alleviate suffering and cruelty towards the brushtail possum. In tandem with her research, Emily began her blog, Framing Speciesism, which seeks to bridge the knowledge gap between academic scholarship and the general public. This blog, which discusses the framing of possums in short, digestible posts, can be found at framingspeciesism.com
December 20, 2021
This may be an aspect of conservation you haven't heard of before. Conservation detection canines; They are trained to scent, track and find endangered species, invasive species, or just dead bats. This topic is fun and entertaining and it doesn't hurt that Kayla is a super optimist.
January 3, 2022
Talking to Author and Chair of Friends of Inti Wara Yassi, Laura Coleman about the Bolivian NGO, Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi (CIWY). CIWY is a non-profit founded by Nena Baltazar, recognized by Women's World Summit Foundation for her environmental activism. CIWY is dedicated to educating young people in Bolivia about their environment and providing safe haven for illegally trafficked wildlife.
With three wildlife sanctuaries in Bolivia, CIWY invites volunteers worldwide to work directly with their, over 500 animals, including primates and Big Cats. No previous experience needed.
Find out from Author of "The Puma Years", Laura Coleman who has volunteered with Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi for almost two decades.
January 17, 2022
The historical tradition that is The Conservation Movement spans thousands of years. What can we learn from past mistakes and bright spots so that conservation, biodiversity, and the tradition of saving the environment, wildlife and ourselves succeeds?
Michelle Nijhuis is the author of the new book Beloved Beasts: Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction, a history of the modern conservation movement. A project editor at The Atlantic, she is also a longtime contributing editor at High Country News and an award-winning reporter whose work has been published in National Geographic and the New York Times Magazine. She lives in White Salmon, Washington.
January 21, 2022
Series Three is taking a look at the growing pains and bright spots of bringing equity and social justice to the animal welfare and many other areas of animal advocacy. You will meet amazing people and learn how you can take steps to move animal welfare into diversity and help all animals along the way. Series Four will be running concurrently (every other week) and will be discussions with humans who live with or have direct contact with wild (non-domesticated) animals. Get ready for some surprising stories!
January 31, 2022
Battling all forms of oppression will advance the animal rights movement. We can't continue to be ignorant of how inhumane treatment of humans, feeds into the abuses of animals. Join me for this important first discussion on Antiracism in Animal Welfare with Aryenish Birdie, Executive Director of Encompass and the newly launched book Antiracism in Animal Advocacy: Igniting Cultural Transformation
February 14th, 2022
A perfect episode for Valentine's Day!
What the heck is a civet and why do people love them?! Find out on this episode, the first in series 4, all about wildlife encounters! Jes Hooper, follows the stories of Viverridae species entangled within live animal trade, with encounters viewed through a trans-species lens. Jes’ work actively engages with interdisciplinary scholarship including collaborations with visual artists, critical tourism academics, conservationists, zookeepers and fellow anthrozoologists.
February 28th, 2022
The Trap King, Sterling Davis tells us about Trap-Neuter-Release and how he (and his episode on the new Netflix Series, Cat People) shows his work across the US providing compassionate, accessible, medical care for stray cats.
Sterling Davis works to bridge the gap between the black community and animal welfare work. We're talking about the stereotypes around men and particularly black men and cats. And we'll talk about cats. Lots of cats.
March 14, 2022
Mary Roach's wry humor marries well with the funny but often unfortunate conclusions of human encounters with wildlife. We'll have a lot of fun discussing some stories from the book as well as other things that fascinate 6x New York Times Best Seller, Mary Roach.
March 28th, 2022
A discussion with Jasmin Singer, Editor of Encompass Essays Antiracism in Animal Advocacy: Igniting Cultural Transformation....We had a conversation about an issue that is important to all of us and yet both her and I being white, have mostly seen the privileged side of this. So there are moments that we have a difficult time putting into words our thoughts or even recognizing the white privilege that we hold.
After the interview Jasmin contacted me with some of the same concerns I had already felt. Neither of us being experts, Have we done Justice to the topic? Could we put this discussion out into the world? In the end we decided we should, because just as the book suggested, we were having the difficult conversation and trying to work out how we can make things better. And even if we don't get it right, we are going to try and we're going to keep trying. So if nothing else, this is an excellent example of the kind of conversation that we all need to be having! Because we're not going to get it right the first time, and making the effort is important. Perhaps by sharing our effort we will encourage others to do the same.
April 11, 2022
We talk with Author of "Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat", Hal Herzog, about some of the bigger questions facing anthrozoology right now. Where Anthrozoology is going and what got us here in the first place.
April 25, 2022
Ecofeminist Lori Gruen, shares insights with us about ecofeminist values and the connection between the oppression of women, people of global majority, animals, and the environment.
May 9, 2022
I'm talking with Sue Alexander, full time dog trainer and part time hunter. We discuss gender roles, the goal of a hunter (hint its not necessarily what you think), providing for the community, and the benefits of hunting to conservation.
May 23, 2022
I chat with CARE'S COO, Jen Evans, about why reform is needed in the animal care industry and what steps CARE is taking to help the process along.
We discuss CARE'S efforts in research, sharing narratives, and policy change.
June 6, 2022
Learn about the ancient connection between humans and raptors with Falconer, Silvia Mutterle. Silvia's work with the birds aims to establish a deep understanding and vibrant interconnection between humans, other animals and the environment in the heartfelt awareness that everything is interconnected.
June 20, 2022
We discuss why understanding the history of The New Deal, Red Lining, and wealth inequity matters when we are trying to help companion animals. How can we, as pet advocates, be proactive about helping the pets in underserved areas of our community. And how serving these communities actually keep animals in their homes.
July 4, 2022
Clive and I discuss dog emotions, why they form attachments to humans, what the biggest questions in dog studies are right now, and the past and future of sheltering.
August 15, 2022
I talk with CARE CEO, James Evans about the cause of animal care deserts and how a change in perceptions and accessibility can change human and animal lives for good
August 1, 2022
We chat with Animal Control Chief, Alyssa Ellison in Virginia, about her work with wildlife around the state.
August 15, 2022
This is your Resource Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors with information about relevant tips, tricks and techniques for pet owners. Choose a great image to feature with your article or add a video for extra engagement!
August 29th, 2022
Looking forward to the next season and discussing how children learn about, live with, interact with, and think about other animals.
September 5, 2022
Why do some some people choose to stop eating meat? Would a child save a dog or a person from a sinking boat? Questions like this are posed by Matti and her colleagues to find out how our moral circles are formed and change into adulthood. The implications towards distant others (culturally and physically) are important.
September 12, 2022
We are talking with Mike Farley, founder of the Educators for Animals Conference about how parents, teachers and other faculty can start to think about how animals are presented and represented in the classroom setting.
September 19, 2022
Michelle and Marika Discuss how interactions with animals can help children (and adults) develop socially and emotionally. Eco-Wisdom Adventures
September 26, 2022
We talk to Mike about his work in aggression cases and how he is been able to bring education on how to work with aggression cases to more clients and dog trainers through his podcast, The Bitey End Of The Dog , The Aggression in Dogs Conference, as well as ongoing learning through his aggression Master Course.
September 28, 2022
We talk to Dr. Amber Batson about her work as a veterinarian and behaviorist. She is speaking on the first day of the aggression n Dogs Conference 2022 on the  topic, "Sometimes, it might be Zebras when you hear Hoofs. Unique Medical Conditions in Aggression Cases". We discuss this as well as what she is excited to learn at the conference.
September 30, 2022
I talk with Laura Monaco Torelli, KPA CTP/Faculty Instructor, CPDT-KA, about her work with animals in zoos and aquariums as well as discuss her conference talk: The Great Expectations of Cooperative Care: Unravel the Who, Where, What, and Why of Husbandry Behaviors.
October 3, 2022
I chat with Colleen Pelar, CPDT, Author of, Kids and Dogs: A Professional's Guide to Helping Families. Living with Kids and Dogs ... Without Losing Your Mind, and Puppy Training for Kids.
October 5, 2022
Today I had the great of pleasure talking with Suzanne Clothier. The creator of "Relationship Centered Training" and the Author of one of my favorite books, Bones Would Rain from the Sky: Deepening Our Relationships with Dogs.
October 7, 2022
I talk with Jessica Wheatcraft about her work with aggression in dogs and leash reactivity.
October 10, 2022
We discuss Marco's work with wolves and free roaming dogs and takeaways form the conference so far!
October, 17 2022
I chat with Anthrozoologist, Philosopher, and Social Scientist, Lynda Korimboccus, about her article "The Peppa Pig Paradox" an article published by The Journal for Critical Animal Studies in 2020.
October 24, 2022
Learning about Fanimal, a way to engage children and youth in Animal science and programs to support an interest in the connection between humans and other animals.
October 31, 2022
This is a Special Episode about the recent (Summer of 2022) removal and rescue of 4,000 Beagles from a breeding facility that breeds beagle so they can be sold to laboratories in the Unites States for use as test subjects.
November 7, 2022
I talk with Therese Lilliesköld about animals and domestic violence. we will be talking about Domestic violence against pets and how pets are used against children by abusers. we're going to be talking about How to protect children from online abusers and how important it is for women's shelters to be welcoming to the animal family members. https://empatia.se/
November 14, 2022
I talk with Jen Shryock and Helen St. Pierre (who both spoke at the Aggression in Dogs Conference 2022) about issues around introducing new babies into a home with dogs, we discuss the issue of social media showing dogs with young children or babies and how to help your kids have a good relationship with the dog family members in your household.
November 21, 2022
Cindy Su and Michel Liao are two of the members of an ecology club at an Idaho an high school who are trying to sound the alarm around the importance of wolves as a part of a healthy ecosystem in Idaho.
November 28, 2022
Let's talk about Umwelt. I'm calling this series the animal protagonist, because it is hard to remember that everyone sees the world in their own way.
December 5, 2022
I'm talking to Dr Mariska Kret about how its possible to study the emotions of humans and other apes. The implications of this research is wide and the method more objective than you might think.
December 12, 2022
This episode is about the world from a the perspective of marine animals. Particularly how their acoustic environment effects their perceptions, health, and ability to find food and mates.
December 19, 2022
We explore the lives and lifestyles of free living dogs with Anthrozoologist, Author, and Dog Behaviour Expert, Sindhoor Pangal. Sindhoor is the founder of BHARCS.
December 26th, 2022
Special Encore Episode. Bringing back a listener (and personal) favorite episode for "the good old days" (2021).Â
Pertinent to this time of year (not just for animal welfare workers), a lot of us are promising too much and feeling like we're delivering too little.
January 2, 2023
I talk with the fascinating Dr. Simon (pronounced Simo) Gadbois, about the canid nose and the complicated relationship humans have with dogs.
January 9, 2023
Often predatory behavior in your family pet is considered a undesirable behavior. Most people try to suppress predatory behavior but Simone is going to talk to us about the importance of predatory behavior and how to use what she calls predation substitute training for dogs who absolutely love to chase things In a world where that's not always seen as ideal!
January 16, 2023
In this episode we get hyperlocal with Sally Lawrence and discuss the Save Coal Creek project in Bellevue, Washington. This is an important natural area to the Greater Seattle Area and King County. This is a time sensitive issue with a rally and important decision coming up in the next few weeks.
January 23, 2023
We will explore the waters of the Puget sound in a current and ongoing project meant to improve critical habitat of the Southern Resident Killer Whales.
January 30, 2023
Have you ever wondered if other-than-human animals experience grief? We explore this question and other about emotion in non-human animals with Dr. Barbara King. www.barbarajking.com
February 6, 2023
Surprise guest host, Nanette McCann interviews me about the difficulties and successes of discovering animal friendships.
February 13, 2023
I chat with Victoria Gersdorf about her research around and discussions with those in the Furry Fandom Community. Its a fascinating and fun exploration into a subculture of love, life, and FUR.
February 20, 2023
Your introduction to the upcoming series about how religions and belief systems around the the world; think about, use and see animals. Also included event announcements, updates and exciting news!
March 1, 2023
We are going to discuss her amazing work sending much needed volunteers to eco/tour/vacation in a way that is ethical and beneficial for the animals, science, local communities. We will also discuss the 2023 EVAT conference and what she is excited to learn!
March 3, 2023
We're releasing these episodes Monday Wednesday and Friday for The two weeks surrounding the conference itself. I'll be will talking with Altamush about Zoological gardens gardens in Pakistan, how he got started in Animal welfare, And how his foundation is helping to provide fresh water for both the humans and the canines in his home country!
March 6, 2023
A chat with Journalist and Researcher, Eveline Baptistella about her work trying to find common ground between humans and the animals we use in tourism.
March 8, 2023
I'm talking to researcher and Cherokee Nation citizen Bobby Chew Bigby about her work, studying the tribal led eagle aviary tours in Oklahoma Indian Country.
March 10, 2023
We discuss Sharmini' s work with communities near tourist attractions to solves issues of wildlife conflict... those adorable monkeys that the tourists are feeding at the shrine can cause real havoc in surrounding neighborhoods!
March, 13Â 2023
I chat with both Kris Hill and Jacqui Sadashige about their research in Free Living cats and Farm Animal Sanctuaries respectively. And we talk about our takeways from The Emerging Voices For Animals in Tourism Conference. A fun and wide ranging discussion!
March 27, 2023
Dr Lisa Kimmerer shares with us the role of animals in a wide range of religions. From deities, tricksters, shapeshifters, emblems and mora agents. Animals are truly one thing that all belief systems have in common.
April 10, 2023
We are talking about animal slaughter for the purposes of kosher eating. However this research is less about what happens to the animals and more about the psychology and the place in Jewish society for the slaughterers themselves.
April 24, 2023
The sacred status of the cow is so widespread, so institutionalized, so deeply entrenched in Hindu culture, that it is actually quite a central question about the whole notion of Hinduism identity and cows. - Yamini Narayanan
May 8, 2023
As pet owners, we often assume that we're providing a safe and comfortable environment for our dogs. However, in this thought-provoking podcast episode, certified dog behavior consultant and author Kim Brophey sheds light on the natural context of animals, particularly dogs, and the costs of captivity on their welfare.
May 22, 2023
I'm talking to Dr. David Clough about Souls, Old Testament Animal Welfare, God's Original Vision, and the diversity of life. And why religion is not the problem when it comes to ethical questions and actions of a culture.
June 5, 2023
We dive into the world of Canine Ministries, where dogs serve alongside their owners in Christian social outreach.
June 19, 2023
"...we have a very narrow view of what ancestors actually are. We, we tend to think of them only in terms of blood relations. Instead of the, the vastness of what could potentially be Ancestor." -Ben Stimpson
Series Eight Trailer: The World of Animal Sheltering and Special Episodes!
July 19, 2023
Your Introduction to the upcoming series, exploring the past present and future of animals shelters from experts in the field! Plus a peak into the newest Speical Episodes...
Episode 71: July Special! Unseen Battle: Françoise Malby-Anthony on Protecting African Wildlife
July 17, 2023
We sit down with Françoise Malby-Anthony , acclaimed author and passionate wildlife conservationist. Françoise brings to the table her invaluable experiences at the forefront of animal conservation in South Africa.
July 31, 2023
"when you are talking about killing animals for population management, it has proven not to work, right? It doesn't work. It never has, and it never will. And if it did work, we wouldn't have to repeat it every single year, right?" -Scott Giacoppo Director of National Shelter Outreach for Best Friend's Animal Sanctuary
August 14, 2023
Ashley's insights shed light on the complex challenges faced by underserved communities in the realm of animal welfare.
August 28, 2023
In this episode we navigate through the intricate world of animal transport, guided by the experiences and insights of researcher, Dr Lori Jervis. She will help shed light on both its positive impacts and potential challenges.
September 11, 2023
In this conversation we explore Arin's experiences in animal welfare journalism, the strategies she employs to engage the community.
September 15, 2023
There has been dramatic transformations the dog training industry over the past few decades, from the use of aversives to the kinder and more empowering positive reinforcement methods.
Upcoming Episode
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